
“Bring your broken harp and make it blow by the wind!”
On the occasion of the Harmonica FEN Festival, harmonica player and sound artist Andyvazul presents Windharps, a sound statue made of hundreds of recycled harmonicas through which the wind blows and makes sounds. Windharps is exhibited as part of an ongoing sound installation during the festival and is activated by Berlin-based sound artists multiple times.
The sound installation is the fruit of a collective recycling process. Prior to the two-day-long event Andyvazul invites harmonica players to contribute with their broken harmonica reed-plates in order to mount them on a huge metal frame. This process continues during the whole festival. Both the participating artists and the visitors are encouraged to bring their broken harmonicas which are then installed on the sculpture. The evolution of the sound statue does not end here either and the local collective process will be brought to an international level. Andyvazul aims to extend Windharps and build a huge wall of harmonica reed-plates by involving as many harmonica players and manufacturers as possible from all over the world. The 4 x 6 meter large metal piece will be placed in its final location where the Berlin Wall used to stay, but this time it will bring people together instead of separating them.
The structure of the sound statue is based on the Disharmonika, an instrument made by the artist out of 100 harmonica reed-plates in 2015, which he has been playing and touring with since then.
Endre Vazul Mándli is an award winning harmonica player and sound artist. As a musician and composer he has achieved international success with his bands from Hungary, Italy and Germany. He moved to Berlin in 2013 and he has been working as a music event curator at Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. Since 2019 he has been enrolled in the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Masters program at the Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin.